Friday, March 29, 2013

About Me and My blog

Hello Everyone! My name is Amanda. I live in Central Florida with my family and our five wonderful cats. Currently I'm an art student with a minor in creative writing so in the future I may post up links to my artwork that I have done over the years and maybe some previews of my writing. However that is not what this blog is going to be about. For about almost two years ago I finally got into crochet even though I was trying to get into it many years before than. I've also got into making costumes about seven years now. So this blog will be about my crafty projects that I'm currently working on. It'll mostly be crochet projects but there will be some sewing projects now and then. Since I know what it is like to be the noob in the crochet world, I'll also be posting up some helpful sites and titbits that I have found or discovered for my own projects. So I hope my blog will be helpful and fun for everyone.